Bibliography of References from Textual Politics

Textual Politics -- Contents

Althusser, L. 1971. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." In Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, pp. 127-186. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Apple, M. 1982. Education and Power. Boston: Routledge.

Ashby, W. Ross. 1956. Introduction to Cybernetics. New York: Wiley.

Bakhtin, M. (aka V.N. Voloshinov) 1929. Marxism and the philosophy of language. 1986 edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

--- 1935. Discourse in the novel. In M. Holquist, Ed. The Dialogic Imagination (1981). Austin TX: University of Texas Press.

--- 1953. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. 1986 edition. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Bateson, G. 1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballantine.

Bazerman, C. 1988. Shaping Written Knowledge. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.

--- 1994. "Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Intentions." In A. Freedman & P. Medway, Eds., Rethinking Genre. London: Falmer Press.

Benson, J.D. and Greaves, W.S. (Eds.) 1985. Systemic Perspectives on Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Benson, J. D. and Greaves, W. S. (Eds.) 1988. Functional Perspectives on Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

Berge, P., Pomeau, Y., & Vidal, C. 1984. Order within Chaos. New York: Wiley.

Bernstein, B. 1971. Class, Codes, and Control. Volume 1. London: Routledge.

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--- 1981. Codes, modalities, and the process of cultural reproduction. Language in Society 10 (3): 327-364.

--- 1987. "Social class, codes, and communication." In Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Society, U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, & K.J. Matthier, Eds. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Bourdieu, P. 1972. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

--- 1979. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1984 edition).

--- 1990. The Logic of Practice. Stanford CA: Stanford University Press.

--- 1990. Homo Academicus. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990.

--- 1991. Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.C. 1977. Reproduction in Education, Society, and Culture. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Bourdieu, P. & L.J.D. Wacquant. 1992. An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. 1976. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic Books.

Bruner, J.S. 1983. In search of mind. New York : Harper & Row.

--- 1991. The invention of self: Autobiography and its forms. In D.R. Olson and N. Torrance, Eds., Literacy and Orality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bruner, J.S. and Weisser, S. 1992. Autobiography and the Construction of Self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Chomsky, N. 1957. Syntactic Structures. The Hague: Mouton.

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Cole, M., Gay, J., Glick, J. & Sharp, D. 1971. The Cultural Context of Learning and Thinking. New York: Basic Books.

Edelman, G. 1992. Bright Air, Brilliant Fire. New York: Basic Books.

Eco, Umberto. 1976. A Theory of Semiotics. Bloomington IN: Indiana University

Edelman, G. 1992. Bright Air, Brilliant Fire. New York: Basic Books.

Fawcett, R. 1980. Cognitive Linguistics and Social Interaction. Heidelberg: Julius Gross Verlag.

Fairclough, N. 1989. Language and Power. New York: Longman.

Fausto-Sterling, A. 1993. The five sexes. The Sciences 33(2): 20-25.

Foucault, M. 1966. The Order of Things. New York: Random House.

--- 1969. The Archeology of Knowledge. New York: Random House.

--- 1980. The History of Sexuality. Volume 1. New York: Random House.

Gee, J.P. 1990. Social Linguistics and Literacies. London: Falmer Press.

Geertz, C. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.

--- 1983. Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books.

Giddens, A. 1984. The constitution of society : outline of the theory of structuration. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Gleick, J. 1987. Chaos: The Making of a New Science. New York: Viking.

G”del, K. 1931. On Formally Undecidable Propositions. 1962 edition. New York: Basic Books.

Gould, S.J. 1977. Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Gramsci, Antonio. 1935. Prison Notebooks: 1929-1935. New York: International Publishers (1971 edition).

Graue, M. Elizabeth, Weinstein, T. and Walberg, H.J. 1983. School-based Home Instruction and Learning: A Quantitative Synthesis. J. Educational Research 76: 351-360.

Greimas, A. & Courtes, J. 1983. Semiotic and Language: An Analytical Dictionary. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Gregory, M. 1967. Aspects of varieties differentiation. Journal of Linguistics 3: 177-198.

Gregory, M. & Malcolm, K. 1981. Generic situation and discourse phase. Toronto: Glendon College, Applied Linguistics Research Working Group Papers.

Habermas, J. 1983. The Theory of Communicative Action. Boston: Beacon Press.

Halliday, M.A.K. 1967. Grammar, Society, and the Noun. London: H.K. Lewis for University College London.

--- 1975. Learning How to Mean. London: Edward Arnold.

--- 1976. In G. Kress, Ed., Halliday: System and Function in Language. London: Oxford University Press.

--- 1977. Text as semantic choice in social context. In van Dijk, Teun A. and Pet”fi, J. (Eds.) Grammars and Descriptions. Berlin: de Gruyter.

--- 1978. Language as Social Semiotic. London: Edward Arnold.

--- 1982. The de-automatization of grammar. In J. Anderson, Ed., Language Form and Linguistic Variation, pp.129-159. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

--- 1985a. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.

--- 1985b. Spoken and Written Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2nd edition, 1989).

--- 1988. On the language of physical science. In M. Ghadessy, Ed. Registers of Written English. London: Pinter Publishers.

--- 1990. New ways of meaning. In S. Efstathiadis, Ed. Selected Papers from the Ninth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, special issue of Journal of Applied Linguistics, v.6, (Thessaloniki: Applied Linguistics Association of Greece). Re-printed in Language in a Changing World, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (Occasional paper No. 13), 1993.

--- 1991. Towards probabilistic interpretations. In E. Ventola, Ed., Recent Systemic and Other Functional Views on Language. (pp. 39-62). Berlin-New York: Mouton/deGruyter.

--- 1992. How do you mean? In M. Davies and L. Ravelli, Eds., Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice. [pp.20-36]. London: Pinter.

--- 1993. Towards a language-based theory of learning. Linguistics and Education 5(2): 93-116.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Fawcett, R. 1987. New Developments in Systemic Linguistics. London: Frances Pinter.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan, R. 1976. Cohesion in English. London: Longman.

--- 1989. Language, Context, and Text. London: Oxford University Press.

Halliday, M.A.K. & Martin, J.R. 1993. Writing Science. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Haraway, D. 1989. Primate Visions. New York: Routledge.

--- 1991. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. New York: Routledge.

Harding, S. 1986. The Science Question in Feminism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Harrison, L. 1982. An overview of kinetic theory in developmental modeling. In S. Subtelny and P. Green, Eds., Developmental Order: Its Origin and Regulation. New York: Alan R. Liss

Hasan, R. 1984a. "Coherence and Cohesive Harmony." Understanding Reading Comprehension. Ed. J. Flood. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

--- 1984b. "The structure of the nursery tale." In L. Coveri, Ed., Linguistica Testuale. Rome: Bulzoni.

--- 1985. Lending and borrowing: From grammar to lexis. In J. Clark, Ed., The Cultivated Australian (Beitrage zur Phonetik und Linguistik, 48), pp.55-67. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.

--- 1986a. The grammarian's dream: Lexis as most delicate grammar. In M.A.K. Halliday and R. Fawcett, Eds., New Developments in Systemic Linguistics. London: Frances Pinter.

--- 1986b. The ontogenesis of ideology. In T. Threadgold, E.A.Grosz, Gunther Kress, & M.A.K. Halliday, Eds., Semiotics, Ideology, Language. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture.

--- 1988. The analysis of one poem. In L.M. O'Toole & D. Birch, Eds., Functions of Style. London: Pinter.

--- 1989a. The structure of a text. In Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan, R. Language, Context, and Text. London: Oxford University Press.

--- 1989b. Semantic variation and sociolinguistics. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 9, 221-76.

--- 1994. "The conception of context in text." In M. Gregory & P. Fries, Eds. Discourse in Society: Functional Perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

Hasan, R. & Cloran, C. 1990. A sociolinguistic interpretation of everyday talk between mothers and children. In Halliday, M.A.K., John Gibbons, and Howard Nicholas, Eds., Learning, Keeping, and Using Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Heath, S.B. 1983. Ways with Words. London: Cambridge University Press.

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Hermes, H. 1969. Enumerability, Decidability, Computability. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Hofstadter, D.R. 1979. Godel, Escher, Bach. New York: Basic Books.

Hodas, S. 1994. "Technology Refusal and the Organizational Culture of Schools." In Cyberspace Superhighways: Access, Ethics, and Control, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. Chicago: John Marshall Law School. [pp.54-75]

Hodge, R. & Kress, G. 1988. Social Semiotics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Holling, C.S. 1986. The resilience of terrestrial ecosystems. In W.C. Clark & R.E. Munn, Eds., Sustainable Development of the Biosphere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Huddleston, R.D., Hudson, R.A., Winter, E.O., & Henrici, A. 1968. Sentence and Clause in Scientific English. London: University College London, Communication Research Centre.

Jameson, F. 1991. Postmodernism, or, The cultural logic of late capitalism. Durham : Duke University Press.

Jackson, E. Atlee. 1989. Perspectives of Non-Linear Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Johnson, T. 1984. Gay as religion. The Advocate (Nov 27), 26-28.

Johnston, Maury. 1983. Gays Under Grace. Nashville: Winston-Derek.

Kauffman, S.A. 1971. "Behavior of Randomly Constructed Boolean Nets." In C.H. Waddington, Ed., Towards a Theoretical Biology, Volume 3. Chicago: Aldine Publishing.

--- 1993. The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kleene, S. 1952. Introduction to Metamathematics. New York: van Nostrand.

Kress, G. 1982. Learning to Write. London: Routledge.

Kristeva, J. 1980. Desire in Language. New York: Columbia University Press.

Lamphere, L. 1992. Structuring Diversity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Latour, B. 1987. Science in Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

--- 1988. The Pasteurization of France. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

For items under Lemke, see Bibliography: J.L.Lemke for links to items on this or other websites

Lemke, J.L. 1983a. Thematic Analysis: Systems, Structures, and Strategies. Semiotic Inquiry 3(2): 159-187.

--- 1983b. Classroom Communication of Science. Final Report to the U.S. National Science Foundation. Arlington, VA: ERIC Documents Service (ED 222 346).

--- 1984. Semiotics and Education. Toronto: Victoria College/Toronto Semiotic Circle Monographs.

--- 1985. Ideology, intertextuality, and the notion of register. In Benson, J.D. and Greaves, W.S. (Eds.), Systemic Perspectives on Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

--- 1987. Strategic deployment of speech and action: a sociosemiotic analysis. In J. Evans & J. Deely, Eds., Semiotics 1983: Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America. New York: University Press of America.

--- 1988a. Text structure and text semantics. In R. Veltman & E. Steiner, Eds., Pragmatics, Discourse, and Text: Systemic Approaches. London: Pinter.

--- 1988b. Towards a Social Semiotics of the Material Subject. In SASSC Working Papers 2 (1): 1-17. [Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture]

--- 1988c. Discourses in conflict: Heteroglossia and text semantics. In Benson, J. D. and Greaves, W. S. (Eds.), Functional Perspectives on Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

--- 1989a. Using Language in the Classroom. London: Oxford University Press. [Originally published 1985, Deakin University Press]

--- 1989b. "Social semiotics: A new model for literacy education" In D. Bloome, Ed. Classrooms and Literacy (pp. 289-309). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 1989.

--- 1989c. Semantics and social values. WORD 40(1-2): 37-50.

--- 1990a. Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

--- 1990b. Technical discourse and technocratic ideology. In M. A. K. Halliday, John Gibbons, and Howard Nicholas, Eds., Learning, Keeping, and Using Language: Selected Papers from the 8th AILA World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Vol. II. pp. 435-460. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1990.

--- 1990c. "Language Diversity and Literacy Education." Australian Journal of Reading 13(4): 320-325. (Focus issue Perspectives on Literacy for the International Literacy Year). 1990.

--- 1990d. "Literacy and Diversity." In Rod Giblett and John O'Carroll, Eds. Discipline, Dialogue, Difference. Murdoch University (Australia): Duration Publications. pp.147-169. 1990.

--- 1992a. Interpersonal Meaning in Discourse: Value Orientations. In M. Davies and L. Ravelli, Eds. Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice. [pp.82-104]. London: Pinter. 1992.

--- 1992b. "Notes on Violence, Pain, and the Material-textual Body." (unpublished manuscript)

--- 1993a. "Multiplying Meaning: Literacy in a Multimedia World." Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Charleston SC.

--- 1993b. "Semiotics, Subjectivity, and Science." Paper presented at the Developmental Psychology Seminar, City University of New York Graduate School and University Center, New York, NY.

--- 1993c. "Practice, Politique, Postmodernism." A review of Pierre Bourdieu and Lois J.D. Wacquant's _An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology_. Postmodern Culture [PMC-LIST on Get PMC-LIST REVIEW-4.993]. 1993.

--- 1993d. "Intertextuality and Educational Research." Linguistics and Education 4(3-4): 257-268, 1993.

--- 1994a. "Discourse, Dynamics, and Social Change." Cultural Dynamics 6(1): 243-275. [Special issue, Language as Cultural Dynamic, M.A.K. Halliday, Issue Editor].

--- 1994b. Intertextuality and text semantics. In M. Gregory and P. Fries, Eds. Discourse in Society: Functional Perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.

--- 1994c. "Hypermedia and Higher Education" in T.M. Harrison and T.D. Stephen, Eds. Computer Networking and Scholarship in the 21st Century University. Albany: SUNY Press. [originally published in Interpersonal Communication and Technology (IPCT-L@GUVM), April 1993. Retrievable as LEMKE IPCTV1N from LISTSERV@GUVM.GEORGETOWN.EDU]

--- 1994d. "The Coming Paradigm Wars in Education: Curriculum vs. Information Access." In Cyberspace Superhighways: Access, Ethics, and Control, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. Chicago: John Marshall Law School. 1994. [pp.76-85]

--- In preparation. "Resources for Attitudinal Meaning: Facts, Projections, and Epithets"

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