Semantics of Masculinization

Orientational semantics:

Presentational semantics:

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= monologic masculinization: abstractionism, formalism, authoritativeness, objectivation, distancing, "mastery of reason" i.e. by means of rationalistic discourse

= note the important link between the principal monologic strategy of abstractionism and the Mode selections in the textual metafunction, esp. regarding nominalization and the "written mode" grammatical metaphor patterns (nominal-relational, with process as thing or quality, relation as process, and condensation by subclassification of p-things and re-nominalization).

= note connections to Walkerdine's arguments in Mastery of Reason; but it is only abstract formalistic rationality, not all modes of reasoned action (cf. Lave) that represents masculinized identity

= the relation of abstractionism to the domination principle is that the more abstract argument, by being more general, takes precedence over any argument about an instance; the more abstract and presumptively general or universal, the more 'foundational' a principle and the only way to counter it is at the same or a still higher level of generality and abstraction

= gender and class domination relations are conflated in the abstraction principle, since it is based on discourses that imply centers of calculation over wide geographical, social, and in some cases historical extension from which females and lower-caste males are differentially excluded