To Send Resolution
To AAU Requesting
Olympics Boycott
Anti-War League, Current Prob-
lems, Social Science Clubs
To Send Telegrams
In protest against
holding the 1936 Olympic games in Germany, the Anti-War League, Current
Problems club and Social Science club at a mass meeting Wednesday,
decided to send a telegram to the Amateur Athletic Union Conference,
requesting that American teams should not be sent to the Berlin
Olympics. The Women's Student Council also wired a protest.
Lou Oshins, Faculty
Manager of Athletics, spoke on existing conditions in Germany,
declaring "I defy any Nazi to show where Jews get the necessary
facilities for athletic training."
Praising the work
of the Committee on Fair Play and Sports, Kurt Lore, co-editor of Pioneer,
quoted from a pamphlet issued by that committee, which presented the
German attitude on the Olympics. Mr. Lore declared that the statement,
"For the Nazi, politics belong in sports," which was taken from a
speech made by Bruno Malitz, sports leader of the Storm Troops, is
sufficient answer to the question, "are politics eliminated from the
Nazi athletic policy?"
The fascist
conception of the Olympic games is illustrated by the statement, "We,
in the Nazi State consider the Olympics, due to international
propaganda reasons, as necessary," concluded Mr. Lore.
Schiffenbauer, chairman of the rally, summed up the question by
declaring "People realize you can't reconcile fascism with any of the
true values of life, particularly with freedom in sports."
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May 20, 2004