Henry Wallace Sees
End Of Capittalism
In Speech To NEA
Secretary Of Agriculture Calls
Capitalism, Communism, And
Fascism Materialistic
Henry A. Wallace,
Secretary of Agriculture, predicted the end of the road for capitalism
in an extemporaneous address before an audience of 8000 educators at
the sixty-filth convention of the National Education Association.
Mr. Wallace said he
thought that the capitalist system was "going to be modified. if we
endeavor to escape by cheap temporary means, we will eventually suffer
intense chaos and disintegration and there will be no escape." He
continued, "while democratization can't accomplish anything material or
lasting, though it may serve to get us off the hot spot for a time.'"
This statement was published in the February 28 issue of the New
York Times.
Mr. Wallace said
that his criticism was "exactly the same against capitalism as against
communism and Fascism.
"They are shot
through with the same fundamental errors of materialism which
eventually brings material destruction. They are all materialistic and
In discussing
topics pertinent to the United States, Mr. Wallace stated "Either we
must write off our debts abroad or abandon our foreign market. American
people still believe they can export large !quantities of goods without
importing something. It can't be done. The American people are still
completely incapable of acing upon this hard fact."
He predicted that
there would be much more opportunity to work for the Federal, state,
and local governments in the future than in the past, although he
recognized that many business men would decry that statement. He
stressed the coming importance of having trained people undertake all
the work of remodelling the face of the United States.
"I think also," he
stated, "that we will have more need for people trained in culture and
recreation, and that if we put more people into this field the rest
would have more." With our country filled up, factories built, and good
schools provided, we finally will have to live–and, is it criminal to
enjoy ourselves?"
In dealing with the
agricultural adjustment program. Secretary Wallace said, "I know that
some of you teachers hold up your hands in horror at this program. The
only really sound economic theory is to bring enough European products
into this country so that the balance can be accomplished. If we try to
escape by any cheap temporary means we will eventually have the most
extraordinary chaos and disintegration."
The Secretary then
admonished the educators to cease preparing students for "opportunities
which are gone."
"The new generation is disillusioned," he added. "It is a
mistake to educate children as though the opportunities of the past
were still there. I know that it seems heinous when so many are out of
work to suggest that we teach to play. But we know that with modern
industrial technique we he can consume with only two thirds of the
population al work. I think we need peect ple trained to cater to
culture, education, and play."
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May 20, 2004