Students Express
Political Opinions
In Newspaper Poll
Straw Vote Shows Preference
For Democratic and Com-
munistic Parties
976 students cast
ballots Wednesday in the Straw vote conducted by Spotlightl and
Pioneer to determine the sentiment of the student body as
regards the coming municipal elections. Students were asked to check
one of the four major political parties listed, whose program they
endorsed. These questions pertaining to municipal government also
appeared on the ballots.
The Democratic
party program led by 59 more votes than its closest rival, the
Communist party. Several students refused to indicate any choice of
party because they "could not be limited to the platform of any one
political group." There was also one cote cast for the Fascist ticket
and one for the Progressive-Prohibitionist party.
The votes for the
parties were as follows:
Republican____________ 91
The questions and
their answers follow:
Are You in favor of the city sales tax?
Yes, 196 No, 780
Are you in favor of a municipal power plant?
Yes, 860 No, 90
World you vote for James Walker for a public office?
Yes, 65 No, 902
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May 20, 2004