November 22, 1935, Pages 1, 3
Bill, Sponsored By A.Y.C., Will
Be Introduced In Congress
In January, 1936
Council Establishes Committee
To Conduct Drive Against
German Olympics
Student Council
voted unanimously Wednesday to support the American Youth Act which
proposes student participation in NYA administrative boards.
The American Youth
Act which will be introduced into Congress in January provides for an
administrative board including members of youth organizations,
delegates of organized labor, and representatives of social service,
education or consumer's organizations.
As stated in the
text of the bill, the Act provides for the "immediate establishment of
a system of regular employment on college projects for the purpose of
providing regular wages for needy undergraduate and graduate students
in colleges." "Regular wages ... shall in no case be less than $25 per
month" for college students.
If the NYA fund is
insufficient for the purposes of the act, the law declares that
"further taxation shall be levied on inheritances, gifts and individual
corporation incomes of $5,000 a year or more."
The bill has
received the approval of many youth organizations.
Council also
elected a committee to call a rally of NYA workers in order to secure
student membership in an NYA administrative board for the College. The
situation at City College where fourteen students are on the NYA board
was cited as a successful
(Continued on page 3>
example of student participation in NYA affairs.
The members of the
committee are : Alice Fischer, Martha Grinberg, Naomi Kane, Harriet
Kaplan, Julienne Marder, Bernice Sommer, and Beatrice Turetsky.
Council elected
Louise Brown, Alice Fischer, Pauline Sherman and Bernice Sommer to
conduct a drive against holding the Olympics in Germany, and to secure
publicly material from the Anti-Nazi Federation. Booths will be set up
in prominent places in the college where students will be able to sign
petitions protesting the German Olympics.
Myra Levine,
treasurer of Student Council, reported on the progress of the
Constitution committee. Several changes and compromises to make
amalgamation with the Men's Division possible next term were suggested.
The committee advised that the office of assistant vice-president be
discontinued; that only the Council representatives of every class be
Council members; that several committee chairmen be chosen from the
class representatives rather than from the general student today.
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