What To Do:
- Review the instructions and worked-out example.
- Click on the button labeled 'P" and print out Worksheet # GM-C.
- Open up the Four Geologic Maps compilation in a separate window by clicking on the grey button. Size the window as necessary.
- Determine the critical differences between the four maps and circle their locations on the Worksheet map.
- On the Data Base Rollover located below, click on one of the Map Choices radio buttons located under the map .
- Move the cursor over the 'rollover' map to check the critical areas of your map choice.
- On the Worksheet, indicate on the chart whether the geology of the critical locations for your map choice are correct or not.
- Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each of the remaining map choices.
- Click on the red button and go to the Answer Checking Table and make sure your answer is correct.