Freshman student Cynthia Nissenbaum won a $100 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble Bookstore for participating in the Freshman Health Initiative Survey.

Dr. Roseanne Schnoll (Associate Professor, Health and Nutrition Sciences) and Dr. Robert Curran (Adjunct, Health and Nutrition Sciences and Physical Education/Exercise Science) developed the survey as part of an extensive investigation into the health of Brooklyn College students. Both concluded that very little is known about the health, fitness, nutrition, and physical activity of students in a diverse, urban, commuter college like Brooklyn College, and formulated the survey as the first step of what will hopefully be funded as a comprehensive health initiative.

Incoming freshman were sent an email link to the anonymous survey. Upon completion, they were offered an option to be entered into a drawing to win the certificate. Over 130 surveys were completed, and Cynthia's name was randomly selected from those who entered the drawing.