Seminar in Nutritional Practice - HNS 720x

Fall 2007
Office Hours: T, Th 4:45-6:15pm in 4212N


Course Description:

Concepts and methods essential to the work of a practicing nutritionist. Nutritional assessment, counseling, evaluation, management, instruction, organization and health promotion techniques.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the seminar, student will be able to:

  • To provide nutritional screening, assessments, monitoring, evaluation, nutritional counseling and education for patients with non-complicated and complicated medical conditions.
  • To provide enteral and parenteral nutrition.
  • To participate in legislative issues relating to nutrition.
  • Perform nutritional analysis using computer software

Course Requirements:

This seminar course is part of the Dietetic Internship and must be taken in conjunction with HNS 722.1X: Fieldwork in Dietetic Practice I.

Students are required to become members of the American Dietetic Association.

Students are required to:
Attend all scheduled seminar classes.
Submit completed assignments.
Present an in depth case study.

Grade Distribution:

Assignments 60%
In-depth case study 30%
Attendance/Participation 10%
Total 100%

*summation and review: DI Director meets privately with all DI interns during seminar class.

Text Books:

Required Reading:
Schnoll, R. (2007). DI Packet , Far Better Printing and Copy Center, 43 Hillel Place, Brooklyn, NY 11210, (718) 859-3137.
Mahan, L.K., and Escott-Stump, S. (2004). Krause’s Food, Nutrition, & Diet Therapy (11th ed.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.
Stanfield, P. (1996). Essential Medical Terminology (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Zeman, F. J., & Ney, D. M. (1996). Applications in Medical Nutrition Therapy (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Food & Medication Interaction, (12th ed.). (2002). Birchrunville, PA: Food Medication Interaction.
Nutrition Intervention and Care Planning (3rd ed.). Riverside, IL: Roche Dietitians.
ADA Pocket Guide to Nutrition Assessment(2004). Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association

Recommended Readings:

Any medical dictionary, for example:

Anderson, K. N. (2002). Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.