Seminar in Recent Trends in Nutrition: HNS 73W RQ2 WEB-ENHANCED

Spring 2008

Class Meets Thursdays 2:15-4:45PM in room 326 NE

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 5:00-6:30 PM 4212A Ingersoll


Course Prerequisites:

 HNS 22.71, HNS 60 and 9 credits of upper-level nutrition courses

Course Description:

Seminar (dictionary definition): group of advanced students studying under a professor ... and all exchanging results through reports and discussion


Critical survey of current literature in the field.  Discussion of concepts of research methodology.  Interpretation and application of research findings to the nutritional well-being of individuals and population groups. Writing intensive course.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able:


To assess a select number of recent trends, including complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies in nutrition practice, drawing upon primary literature


To identify standard components of primary literature in the life sciences; and to compare basic research designs drawing upon peer-reviewed literature


To critically analyze current literature with respect to research question, study methods, and relevance of results relating to the mechanisms of action and efficacy of CAM therapies


To demonstrate effective oral communication and written skills including conventions of citation systems and current information technologies


To demonstrate the ability to draft and revise written material; the ability to edit one’s work so that grammar and syntax are correct; the ability to write a research paper that paraphrases and includes 

appropriate documentation


To develop a professional portfolio with representative examples of technical writing incorporating use of current information technologies (Note: relevant to all students enrolled in HNS 29 fall 2003 and thereafter; DPD verification requirement)

*Course Syllabus (download syllabus)

You must log into Blackboard to obtain all the course materials and participate in the discussion boards.


Bratman, S., & Girman, A. M. (2002). Handbook of herbs and supplements and their therapeutic uses. St. Louis: Mosby.


Dyer, D. (2002).  A dietitian’s cancer story (8th ed.).  Ann Arbor, MI: Swan Press.


Hacker, D. (2007).  A Writer’s Reference (6th ed.) New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Kuhn, M.A. (1999).  Complementary therapies for health care providers. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Only available at: Shakespeare & Co.,14 Hillel Place, Brooklyn, NY 11210, 718 434-5326, 718 434-5327


Schnoll, R. (2008).  HNS 73 course manual. Far Better Printing and Copy Center, 43 Hillel Place, Brooklyn, NY 11210, (718) 859-3137. Store hours: M,T,Th 8am-7pm. W,F 8am-6pm.


Optional Texts:

  • Freeman, L. (2004).  Complementary and alternative medicine: A research-based approach.. St. Louis: Mosby.
  • Garrard, J. (2004). Health sciences literature review made easy, the matrix method. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.