Covert Operations

Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz, whose alleged communist inclinations helped trigger OPERATION PBSUCCESS. The move toppled the Arbenz government and provided a good look at how Eisenhower used covert operations to wage the Cold War.


Dwight Eisenhower was an old-fashioned Republican in many respects: he believed in the dangers of deficit spending of all types, including on the military. And so his New Look doctrine aimed for a decrease in appropriations for conventional arms and a subsequent increase in funds for nuclear weapons and covert operations. We'll be looking at the effects of two of those operations—in Guatemala and Iran—in tonight’s class.


bullet Andrew, For the President’s Eyes Only, pp. 199-256
bullet Gerald Haines, CIA Assassination Proposals
bullet Reading notes


bullet CIA Assassination Manual: Guatemala (1952)
bullet PBSUCCESS: the initial plan (1953)
bullet CIA analysis: Guatemala
bullet Provocation Plans: Guatemala, June 1954