in Roosevelt Hall on the 4th Floor in the Documents area, the microforms
collection consists of microfilm (rolls), microfiche (sheets) and microcards.
Microforms and reader/printers are available during regular library hours.
Reader/printers accept only dimes. Please come prepared.
microfilm collection covers many periodical titles and the Library's newspaper
collection. Check the holdings information in CUNY+ to determine the format
of back issues of periodicals. The periodical
microfilm is arranged alphabetically by title. Please note that materials
prior to 1980 are not available here. You must submit a written Interlibrary
Loan request at the Current Periodicals/Reserves Room desk, also located
on the 4th Floor of Roosevelt, to get copies of older materials. The full
run of the New York Times is available.
large microfilm collections are the Lincoln Center Theater Review Collection
and back issues of the campus newspapers.
major microfiche collections in the Library include Government Documents
and the ERIC educational resources collection. ERIC indexes
are available from both the electronic resources section of the Library
Home page and via the CD-ROM icon on the desktop of library workstations.
ERIC documents are identified with a unique six digit ED number.
are an older format that can only be read, not copied. Major resources
on microcard are the US Serial Set, Landmarks of Science, and colonial