Sub-Group l:   Scripts [29 bxs, 13.75 cu ft]

Series 1: My True Story / January 1948 – March 1960
             2: Whispering Streets / March 1952 – June 1960
             3: Whispering Streets – Outlines

 Series  1: My True Story / Jan 1948–March 1960    [19 bxs, 9.25 cu ft]

This series contains a rather large volume of material.  The scripts were written for My True Story soap serials.
The episodes are dated January 1948 through March 1960, but, although My True Story was a daily show,
this collection does not have each and every episode between January 1948 and March 1960.  There is also a box here containing My True Story episodes that are numbered (rather than dated).  In addition, there is a folder in this box that has some miscellaneous sheets regarding My True Story.

 Series  2:   Whispering Streets / Mar 1952–June 1960  [9 bxs, 4.25 cu ft]

This series is comprised of scripts for another one of Ms Sangster’s soap serials, Whispering Streets. Here again, although the scripts in this series cover eight years, from March 1952 through June 1960, each and every episode of Whispering Streets between those two dates is not available.   There is a box in this series that contains Whispering Streets outlines and another box of miscellaneous sheets regarding these episodes.

 Series   3:  Whispering Streets – Outlines [1 box, .25 cu ft]

There are two folders here in a small box.  They describe the outlines Margaret Sangster wrote for her Whispering Streets episodes.  One folder has loose sheets related to the Whispering Streets shows; the second folder has episodic outlines for Whispering Streets.

Sub-Group II:  Short Stories  [8 bxs., 2.75 cu ft]

Series 4: Short stories / magazines, radio, television, newspapers
             5: Children’s stories
             6: Untitled works
             7: Outlines for stories / plots
             8: Audition scripts

         Series  4: Short stories / magazines, radio, television, newspapers   [4 bxs., 1.75 cu ft]

The first two boxes in this series contain short fiction stories written either for magazines such as Redbook,True Confessions, and other ‘ladies’ magazines, or as fiction articles that were published in daily newspapers. The first two boxes containing these short stories are placed in folders that are in alphabetical order.  With regard to the writings that were destined for newspapers, not only the typescripts of these short stories are here, but the published versions as well (a number of which were printed in The New York Daily News during the 1960s).  This series also contains some short stories that Margaret Sangster wrote, albeit with a pseudonym.  For example, the short fictional tale Boomerang is credited to “Elizabeth Chisholm”, a name Ms Sangster used occasionally.  The third box contains an assortment of short stories, also filed in alphabetical order.  In the case of the short story titled Lover, Lover, this one is a play; several others were written specifically for radio; and, some short stories in this box were destined for television.  In addition, there is a box bearing two folders with writings about The Adventures of Anne Preston.  Although one of the folders is listed as Fifth Avenue Dress Shop, this is an outline that, in time, became The Adventures of Anne Preston.

 Series  5: Children’s stories [1 bx, .25 cu ft]

The folders in this series contain short stories that were written specifically for children.  The are all titled.  Doris-Bonnie Finds a Friend, for example, was actually a work-in-progress.  Two others are called The Solid Gold Mountain and The White Puddy-Cat.

 Series  6: Untitled Works [1 folder]

The folder that contains Untitled Works has two short stories in it, each without a cover page.  It is highly probably that these works had a title, but that is difficult to ascertain.

 Series  7: Outlines for stories / plots [2 bxs., .5 cu ft]

The first box in this series contains three folders all relating to a story titled Child Wanted.  One folder bears an outline of this story, the second one, a preliminary draft, and, the final one, has the actual episodes for Child Wanted.  The second box has outlines and plots of stories for radio and television.  One of them is titled Mr & Mrs Continental.

 Series  8: Audition scripts [1 bx., .25 cu ft]

This series contains audition scripts that Margaret Sangster wrote.  They are filed alphabetically.  Each of these short fiction stories bears a title.  The first of these audition scripts is called At Her Own Risk, the second one is titled Doctor Charity and the third one is named Joyce Jordan.

Sub-Group III:   Poems [1 bx., .25 cu ft]

Series   9: Short Poems / for Girls’ Companion
             10: Poems / general

 Series   9: Short Poems / for Girls’ Companion [1 box]

This series contains one very large folder which has many poems that Margaret Sangster wrote for a young girls’ magazine called Girls’ Companion. It is likely (because most of these poems are dated) that Ms Sangster wrote a poem per issue for this girls’ magazine.

 Series  10: Poems / general [2 folders]

There are two folders in this series.  The first folder has quite a number of short poems, each one titled.  They are in alphabetical order. The poems begin with And All the Dreams and Child’s Prayer.  The last poem is untitled.  The second folder has a poem titled Prayer, which was published.  It is likely that this poem was for home use.  Several copies of it can be found here.

Sub-Group IV:   Correspondence  [1 bx., .25 cu ft]

Series 11: Advertisers / General Mills, etc.
             12: Studios / ABC, NBC

 Series  11: Advertisers / General Mills, etc.  [6 folders]

This series contains correspondence that Margaret Sangster had with several different advertising agencies.  One file has letters from General Mills, Inc.; another has correspondence with Doyle, Dane, Bernbach, Inc.; a third has a letter to Young & Rubicam, Inc.  There is a file marked Minute Spots which contains correspondence from/to advertisers regarding sponsorships for one minute advertising spots on the radio for the soap serials that Margaret Sangster wrote.

Series  12: Studios / ABC, NBC [2 folders]

This series has only two folders.  One contains correspondence with the American Broadcasting Company (ABC); the second has correspondence with the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).

Sub-Group V:    Memorabilia  [3 folders]

 Series  13: Brochures / booklets

Series 13:  Brochures / booklets [3 folders]

The three folders in this series comprise brochures and booklets.  The first one has a religious manual.  The second folder contains radio and television booklets.  The third folder has sheet music, titled Christmas Choral Music that Margaret Sangster received from Geoffrey O’Hara.

Sub-Group Vl:   Biographical Information [2 folders]

 Series  14: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Jr.
               15: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Sr.

 Series  14: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Jr.  [1 folder]

This series contains some personal information about Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Jr.  Since there were no actual photos of Ms Sangster, and, in perusing one of her first published books, Real People and Dreams, there was a photo of her there, this is a photocopy of the picture (of Ms Sangster) inside that book.  There is a copy here of a biographical sketch written of Ms Sangster in the 1940s or 1950s, and another one dated July 1949.  There is also a short excerpt from “Who’s Who” describing Ms Sangster’s background.   Finally, there is an obituary of Margaret Sangster, Jr.

 Series  15: Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Sr.  [1 folder]

This folder contains a small biography that Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, Jr. wrote about her accomplished grandmother, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) Sangster, Sr.  In addition, there is a negative in this folder, probably of Grandmother Sangster.  On view here as well is poetry written by Grandmother Sangster and some information regarding her early life.

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