Fabio Girelli-Carasi

  ITALIANO 1030 

 COMPITO   SCADENZA 7 ottobre   File name:  your-italian-name.7ottobre  (.doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 7 ottobre


reminder:   FOR GRADE      NOT FOR GRADE
Task 0  at the top of the page, write your name and the due date, but write the date PER ESTESO (spelled out, not with digits), giorno mese e anno.

ALSO: write what time it is when you are doing your compito, per esteso in italiano. Modello

sono le venti e trentacinque  (it is 20:35 --- yes, using the 24hr clock)

Task 1:      


Read  the article. Write a list of the Italian words you found in the article. Skip proper nouns (names of people or toponymics. 

Task 1:     Preposizioni LINK

In this page, read the examples with preposizioni, watch the video, and do

esercizio 1, 2, 3 on your own. These exercises are repetitive on purpose to reinforce vocabulary and let you focus on prepositions.

Task 2     Preposizioni LINK

Do esercizio n. 1

Write the translation of the sentences.

Task 3:      Preposizioni LINK

More busy-work exercises
