Paul Haberfield

telephone (718) 951-4133

Professor of Chemistry

B.S. 1955, M.I.T.
Ph.D. 1960, U.C.L.A
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1961, Purdue University


Organic Chemistry

Investigation of organic reaction mechanisms by kinetic, spectroscopic and other techniques; phototropic molecules, proximate charge effects as models for mechanisms of enzyme catalysis; synthesis of chemotherapeutic agents targeted to the V3 hypervariable loop of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1.

Selected Publications

  1. Trapping the Single Electron Transfer Intermediate in an SN2 Reaction, by Paul Haberfield, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1995, 117,3314.
  2. Three Dimensional Structure Activity Analysis of a Series of Porphyrin Derivatives as Anti-HIV-1 Agents Targeted to the V3 Loop of the gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein of the Human Immunodefficiency Virus Type 1, by A.K.Debnath, S.Jiang, N.Strick, K.Lin, P.Haberfield, and A.R.Neurath, J.Med.Chem., 1994, 37, 1099.
  3. Method for the prescreening of drugs targeted to the V3 hypervariable loop of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp 120, by Neurath, Alexander R.; Strick, Nathan; Haberfield, Paul; Jiang, Shibo, US Patent 5,230,998 930727 (CA 119:241363, 1993)
  4. Rapid Prescreening for Antiviral Agents Against HIV-1 Based on Their Inhibitory Activity in Site-Directed Immunoassays. II. Porphyrins Reacting with the V3 Loop of gp120 , by A.R.Neurath, N.Strick, P.Haberfield, and S.Jiang, Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 1992,3, 55.
  5. Rapid Prescreening for Antiviral Agents Against HIV-1 Based on Their Inhibitory Activity in Site-Directed Immunoassays. I. The V3 Loop of gp120 as Target, by A.R.Neurath, P.Haberfield, B.Joshi, I.K.Hewlett, N.Strick and S.Jiang, Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 1991, 2, 303.
  6. Phototropic Molecules. 3. Complexation Between Alkali Metal Ions and trans- and cis-p,p'-Bis(polyether)Azobenzenes, by P. Haberfield and T.P. Rizzo, J. Incl. Phen. & Molec. Recogn. in Chem., 1990,9, 367.
  7. Proximate Charge Effects. 8. Ion Pair Formation as an Assembly Process in Ester Aminolysis, by P. Haberfield and J.J.Cincotta, J. Org. Chem., 1990, 55, 1334
  8. CHEM-CALC. Version 1.0 Shareware program, 1989. Reviewed in: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 4091

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