Finding out how much the magnetic declination for Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y. has changed between January 1, 1900 and August 23, 2005.

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter each answer in the appropriate box and then click the button to find out if it is correct. Make sure not to enter letters or other symbols when numbers or numerical values are asked for. If letters are asked for, always enter them as capital letters.

1. Enter the magnetic declination for January 1, 1900. (ONLY ENTER NUMBERS OR LETTERS, NOT OTHER SYMBOLS.)

degrees..minutes..E or W...Correct?:-

2. Enter the magnetic declination for August 23, 2005. (ONLY ENTER NUMBERS OR LETTERS, NOT OTHER SYMBOLS.)

degrees..minutes..E or W...Correct?:-

3. Calculate the net change in magnetic declination from January 1, 1900 to August 23, 2005 and enter the result here. (ONLY ENTER NUMBERS OR LETTERS, NOT OTHER SYMBOLS.)

degrees..minutes..towards the E or W.



© 2000 David J. Leveson