1. EXAMPLE: To start, click on the green button to see a sample analysis of an imaginary environmental organization, "Earthgreen Forever".

2. Click on the blue button and go to the Reliability Panel Worksheets Menu. Print out one copy of the Instructions, eight copies of the Reliability Worksheets, and one copy of the Trust-Position Table and Graph.

3. Click on the red buttons (below) and evaluate the reliability of each of the eight organizations, entering your decisions on the Reliability Worksheets.

4. Transfer the data from the Reliability Worksheets to the Trust-Position Table.

5. Plot the required points on the Trust-Position Graph.

The Sierra Club (SC) The American Policy Center (APC) The Natnl. Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. (NOAA) The National Academy of Sciences (NAC)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The U.N. Intergov-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG) The Cooler Heads Coalition (CHC)

© 2003, David J. Leveson