Brooklyn College BIOL 1010 // Biology: The Study of Life

Course Syllabus

In the Biology component of the Core Studies program you will be introduced to the fundemental processes and principles at work in all living things, large and small. From humans to tiny creatures that live in the base of your eyelashes, all life uses the same common methods of energy utilization, growth, genetic storage, heredity, reproduction and development.

In this course, these methods will be explained and you will see the underlying cellular plan from which all creatures are constructed. You will also see how the forces of natural selection have led to the evolution of a vast diversity of animals, plants and other creatures, and how the competition between individuals and species has led to the complex, tangled web of life that now covers the surface of our planet.

Technology Requirements

This course will require use of the Web and Internet tools (email etc.) for viewing/downloading the lecture notes and for the Lab Bio-simulations.

Additional material will be supplied by the instructor.


Lectures are online and can be downloaded (see "Lecture Notes"). They will provide a comprehensive presentation for each subject of all the information you will need to know or understand. Your Midterm and Final exams are based on these notes.

Lab component

The required laboratory assignments for this course are provided for you online and can be performed anywhere from an internet linked web-browser.

There are no "formal" lab meetings. Through the semester you may attend an "Open Lab" for help or general questions. (see "Lab Schedule")

You must hand in all of your assignments on time and complete the lab quizzes.


Your total course grade will be determined by combining the grades you achieve in your lecture midterm exam, your lecture final exam and your laboratory grade.

    Final Grade
    Midterm Exam100 points
    Final Exam100 points
    Lab Quiz 40 points
    Lab Investigations (10 points each X 5 labs) 50 points
    Written assignment10 points
    TOTAL300 points

  • I reserve the right to add quizzes and to change the mix of points as needed.
  • Laboratory grades (and the overall course grade) are calculated by your individual laboratory instructor. Your participation in this part of the course is mandatory and you will fail the whole course if you do not participate, or you miss more than one assignment.

    Getting in Touch

    If you need to communicate with me, the ONLY guaranteed way to reach me is by EMAIL.
    The course EMAIL ADDRESS IS:

    Lab Assignments

    • I will collect lab assignments # 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
    • Each lab MUST bear the date of the due date. Late labs will receive NO CREDIT.
    • NO MAKE UP QUIZZES/EXAMS. If you miss a quiz or exam, you will automatically get a zero.


    Lateness is not only disruptive, but also disrespectful.
    Chronic lateness will not be tolerated: you will be excluded from class activities.


    ATTENDANCE will be taken in lab. TWO absences will result in failure for the course

    Cellular Phones and Pagers Must be Turned Off

    If you make or take a phone call, you will be asked to leave the room and WILL NOT BE ALLOWED BACK IN.

    The University's policy on Academic Integrity

    The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation.

    Reference to the Center for Student Disability Services

    In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.