Stacey E. Brenner Organic Research Lab at CUNY Brooklyn College



Research Group




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BC Chemistry Department

CUNY Graduate Center



FEBRUARY 2013  Professor Brenner-Moyer is the recipient of the CUNY Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering

SEPTEMBER 2012  Rico's and Chandra's paper is accepted for publication! (J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 8828-8834)

JUNE 2012  Congratulations to Chandra who has accepted a position in Prof. Breslow's lab at Columbia!

APRIL 2012  Patrick's and Aurora's paper is accepted for publication! (Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 10742-10752)

MARCH 2012  Congratulations to Patrick who is officially Dr. McGarraugh and who has accepted a position at Biotium, Inc.!

JANUARY 2012  The group celebrates Prof. Brenner-Moyer's NSF CAREER award!

JANUARY 2012  We welcome Guy Monahan (Masters student) to our group

NOVEMBER 2011  Patrick's paper is accepted for publication! (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 6460-6463)

JUNE 2011  Josh's and Patrick's paper is accepted for publication! (J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 6309-6319)

JUNE 2011  We welcome Aurora Martinez-Munoz (Ph.D. student from the Universidad de Sevilla) for the summer

MAY 2011  We welcome Rico Fraboni and Monty Hayes (Ph.D. students) to our group

APRIL 2011  Congratulations to Patrick for earning a CUNY Graduate Center Dissertation Fellowship for '11-'12

FEBRUARY 2011  Professor Brenner-Moyer receives an American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee Lectureship Award

AUGUST 2010  Patrick presents his research at the ACS national meeting in Boston

AUGUST 2010  Chandra’s Org. Lett. paper is selected to appear in Synfacts.  (Synfacts 2010, 1070)

JUNE 2010  Chandra’s paper is accepted for publication! (Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 3356-3359)

MAY 2010  We welcome Josh Jones (Ph.D. student) to our group

JANUARY 2010  Patrick’s Org. Lett. paper is selected to appear in Synfacts.  (Synfacts 2010, 233)

NOVEMBER 2009  Patrick’s paper is accepted for publication!  (Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 5654-5657)

JULY 2009  We welcome Chandrakumar Appayee to our group

NOVEMBER 2008  Patrick’s paper is accepted for publication! (Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 449-455)

JULY 2008 Website up and running (thanks Carrie!)

MARCH 2007 Labs up and running…research starts!