Chinese-American Chemistry Professors Association (CACPA) This association was formed by
Chinese professors in chemistry and biological chemistry. Over sixty professors have joined the
association. Based on their research interests, six groups are formed. The association is non-for-profit and
apolitical. The primary goal of this association is to promote networking and information
exchanges among overseas Chinese academic community. Interactions and activities will be
organized at different meetings, such as ACS national meetings. Through interaction in a
relax environment (such as a dinner party), the association benefits the members in
networking, friendship, and knowledge in different research fields related to chemistry and chemical
Biology. If you are interested, please briefly describe your research area and e-mail it to Binghe Wang (wang@gsu.edu), Lin Pu (lp6n@unix.mail.virginia.edu), or Zhen Huang (zhuang@brooklyn.cuny.edu). You are also encouraged to forward this message to your faculty friends in the fields; they may be interested in joining this association. The next gathering is an ACS sympoium organized by Zhen Huang, Binghe Wand, and Lin Pu, during 226th ACS National Meeting (Sep. 7-11, 2003, New York City, New York). Please read the following letter for more details.
Dear Colleagues, As you know, Chinese Americans are playing an increasingly important role in various US educational institutions. This is particularly true in the chemistry profession. To effectively organize the Chinese American chemistry professors, we have formed an organization tentatively called "Chinese American Chemistry Professors Association" (CACPA, http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/chem/zhuang/newpage21.htm) with the support of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Chinese American Chemical Society (CACS). The aims of this organization include (1) promoting communications, (2) peer support, (3) collectively identifying and addressing common concerns uniquely facing Chinese American chemistry professors, and (4) promoting academic exchanges in the general field of chemistry between US institutions and those in Chinese-speaking countries and regions. As a kickoff event, CACPA has organized a symposium entitled "Progresses of Chinese American in Academia" under the joint sponsorship of the ACS-Division of Professional Relations and CACS. This half-day symposium is scheduled for Monday afternoon (September 8, 2003, at Room 1E02 in Javits Convention Center) at the upcoming 226th ACS national meeting in New York. You may find the information about the symposium in Chemical & Engineering News (pp.94-Tech in the issue Aug. 18, 2003). Thirteen speakers from various institutions nationwide will share their educational and professional experiences. The symposium will be followed by a reception/mixer.We would like to invite you and your students/post-doctors to attend this symposium. This will be an excellent opportunity for professors as well as students and postdocs aspiring for an academic career to network with your colleagues nationwide. See you in two weeks,
Zhen Huang, Binghe Wang, and Li Pu The Symposium Organizers 08/24/2003 Program