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Past and current WebCore Members:

Stephen Aja, Geology
Arthur Bankoff, Anthropology and Archeology
John Blamire, Biology
Louis Celenza, Physics
Paisley Currah, Political Science
Andrew Delamater, Psychology,
Tucker Farley, English
Arlene Fromchuck, Classics
Fred Gardiner, Mathematics
Fabio Girelli-Carasi, Modern Languages and Literatures
Chaya Gurwitz, CIS
Hardy Hansen, Classics
Mary Howard, Sociology
James Howell, Chemistry
Jacob Kagan, School of Education
Ed Karanja, Educational Services
Steve Keltner, Art,
Yehuda Klein, Economics
Jerry Koller, Speech
Jerry Krase, Sociology
Donald F. Landolphi, Physical Education
David Leveson, Geology
Lilia Melani, English
Gary Mennitt, Chemistry
Jennifer Monaghan, English/ESL
Janet Moser, English/ESL
Antonio Nadal, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies
Jim Nishiura, Biology,
Adrienne Rubinstein, Speech
Gloria Sawicki, Modern Languages and Literatures
Timothy Shortell, Sociology
Tobie Stein, Theater
Rosamond Welchman, Education/Dean's Office




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Last Revised: 04/03/99