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Academia enters the modern age with Blackboard, Brooklyn College's on-line course application. A commercially provided service, Blackboard serves as an online resource, customizable to each individual professor's specifications, to hold assignments, syllabi, and readings. It also serves as an effective communications tool, allowing faculty and students to easily interact through e-mail, bulletin board postings, and real-time group discussions (performed with its own onboard chat client). A standardized interface ensures an easy learning curve for faculty and students alike.

Blackboard brings the convenience of technology while preserving the traditional classroom ethos.

The Brooklyn College Blackboard system is now accessed via the CUNY Portal.

Location: Library Room 381 (Third Floor)

Phone: 718-951-4667


Technical Support Contact for Faculty: Carlos A. Cruz

Students find timely information critical to course success such as when assignments are due, changes in the syllabus, changes in class schedules, quiz/exam reminders, and the posting of �virtual� office hours taking place in the Virtual Classroom.

Course Information
Students find folders with descriptive materials such as the course syllabus, course objectives, course requirements, and grading policies created by their instructor for this course.

Course Documents
Students find folders with course materials such as Library E-Reserves, course packs, and online supplements from textbook publishers. These materials have been placed there by the course instructor.

Discussion Board
Students communicate asynchronously in threaded discussions on a forum topic posted by the instructor. Because Blackboard is password protected, students are ensured that only the instructor and fellow students have access to his/her thoughts and opinions on issues.

Virtual Classroom
This feature allows the instructor and students to participate in real time lessons and discussions, virtual office hours, and even invite subject experts to join in a live discussion with the class in the Virtual Classroom.

Digital Drop Box
This feature allows students to exchange files with the instructor. Students can send their papers and assignments through the Drop Box. It is time-stamped upon sending. The instructor can retrieve, correct and send back the file through the same process.

Students will find their assignments listed under this rubric. They can use the Digital Drop Box, to send their assignments to their instructor. They can also use the Calendar and Task functions to monitor their own progress.

External Links
Students can access External links posted by the instructor. Usually these links provide content consistent with the course�s objectives or area of study.

Send E-Mail
Students can send e-mail to fellow students, instructors, teaching assistants, or groups within a course.

The Online Gradebook posts all student grades associated with assessments created both within and outside of Blackboard. The Online Gradebook allows you to weigh grades easily. Students have access to only their grades, with the added benefit of average class scores for each assessment.

The Tasks page organizes projects, defines task priorities, and tracks task status. Each user can post personal tasks to their page, and instructors can post tasks to students participating in their course.

Blackboard automatically scores and posts grades for quizzes and assessments created by the instructor within the course site. Assessments may consist of multiple choice, true/false, matching, ordering, multiple answers, and essay or short answer. Essay and short answer are not graded automatically online, but can be scored using features in MS Word.

The following functions are available to group members: Group Discussion Board; Group Virtual Classroom; File Exchange; Send E-mail.

Online Manual
Located under �Tools,� the Online Manual provides illustrated for students who have questions about how to use certain features of Blackboard. These easy to read instructions provide step-by-step guidance.

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