Brooklyn College BIOL 1010 : Investigations

Investigations : Classification

Text:  Pages to reference will be given in class.

Web:  Mendel and the Species Problem

Lab Notes - Classification


Under "Investigation Number One" go on to
"2) Here is your first research assignments from Brother Gregor"

Brother Gregory's First Research Assignment: Sorting into Groups

Create and submit a portfolio following the directions given and
using the data presented in the --> First Experiment <--

Use only one folio for your investigation.

You should put into your portfolio:

  • A classification scheme (taxonomy) showing the groups (taxa) that you have created.
  • The rationale for the adopted scheme.
  • A list of all the organisms seen in the Folios, showing in which group each organism should be placed.
  • Answers to the Second Assignment Questions.

Your scheme should be organized similar to this flow-chart:

Investigations are due the next scheduled lab period.

Late investigations will NOT be accepted!

Investigations (hardcopy)