General Access
Those who enter the Library must show one of the following valid
identification cards: Brooklyn College, CUNY, SUNY, B.C. Alumni, B.C. Adult
Education Student, Institute of Retired Professionals and Executives,
Library Associates, Midwood High School faculty, Academic Libraries of
Brooklyn or METRO. Others should telephone
the Circulation desk at (915-5335) or inquire at the Library
entrance for information regarding access and borrowing
privileges. Persons who are not affiliated with CUNY or who
do not hold one of the above identification cards may join the Library Associates
of Brooklyn College to obtain access and/or borrowing
Access for Library Associates
The Library Associates of Brooklyn College is a non-profit
association of "Friends of the Library." Anyone interested
in the collections and services of the Library is welcome to join.
Members may use the Library for pleasure, reference, and research.
Sustaining Members receive the added privilege of borrowing books
for home use.
Members of Library Associates receive mailings about Library
activities. They have the personal satisfaction of fostering the
growth of the Library, as their dues add new and important books
to the collections. Members are entitled to a tax deduction for
their membership dues and other contributions they make to Library
Annual Membership
Basic Membership
(Library access only)*
$25.00 |
Sustaining Membership (Library borrowing privileges)
Brooklyn College alumni/ae | $20.00 |
Others | $50.00 |
* Brooklyn College graduates receive access to the Library
gratis, by showing their Alumni Association ID card.
To join Library Associates for the first time, please come
to the Library Circulation desk. If you are a Brooklyn College
Alumni/ae you must present proof of graduation. Telephone (718)
951-5335 for Library hours and information about acceptable forms
of proof. To renew your membership to the Library Associates, please
ask for a form at the Circulation desk.