Interlibrary Loan and Research Services
The Research Services Office is located in room 014 of the Library.
Research Services obtains library materials--books, articles from
periodicals, documents, etc.--that are not owned by the Brooklyn
College Library. Research Services includes both traditional
interlibrary loan services and access to commercial document
suppliers. These services are extended to Brooklyn College
faculty, staff, graduate students, members of the IRPE and
undergraduate students with disabilities. Readers are required
to present a current validated Brooklyn College I.D.
What if I need something the library does not own?
Pick up an Interlibrary Loan form at the Information Services desk,
request an e-mail form from ,
or fill out the electronic form at the end of this
page. Fill the form in exactly and completely. The more information you
supply, the more likely it is that we will be able to get the
item for you in a timely fashion. Necessary data include the
title, author, place and date of publication (for books); journal
title, article author, volume, issue number, and the page numbers
(for journal articles); whether the item can be found in CUNY+;
or information from another database (such as Medline or ERIC) or
a printed bibliography.
How long will it take?
We process all requests as
quickly as possible, but we depend on the generosity of other
libraries to fill your requests and the U.S. Postal service to
deliver most of them, so the time it takes to complete a
transaction varies. If you need an item right away, please tell
us. You will be notified by telephone or e-mail when the
materials arrive.
How much will it cost?
The Library will pay all
How long can I keep these materials?
BOOKS: Loan periods vary, so check the due date on the front of the book.
Renewals can only be arranged with the permission of the lending
library. To request a renewal please contact the Research
Services Office at least 2 days prior to due date. Please return
books to the Information Services desk or the Research Services Office in room 014 in the Library.
Photocopies do not have to be returned.
If you have any futher questions, please do not hesitateto come in and ask or callus at (718) 951-4414.